Amiga Plus Extra 1996 #3
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Text File
96 lines
* *
* Paragon is full public domain ! *
* Monheim 12.01.1992 *
Author: - Volker Stepprath
======= - Spandauerstr.4
- 4019 / Monheim (Rhld)
- Germany
General: - Paragon requires 1 MB of memory or more
======== - The programming language is AMOS V1.3
- Paragon is compiled with AMOS Compiler V1.0
The mainmenu: - Menu A-B.....
Player 1-2 : You can choose between computer ( 3 level ),
mouse or joystick.
Stones 1-2 : Certain the number of available stones.
Time 1-2 : Adjust time for reflection.
- Menu C.......
Swap every : Swaps the stones after the numbers of moves.
Mode : "TRADITION" - if you complete
a crown ( look Others: ) the stones who
built the pattern will substitute by tables.
You can never set a stone on those places !
"MARATHON" - against the mode tradition, you
can set stones now on a place if there was
a crown before !
Begin Player: Certain which player starts the game.
Sound : You can choose between music or soundeffects.
- Menu D.......
Start : Starts the game Paragon !
Default : Set the mainmenu to the default items.
About : Informations about the program Paragon.
Replay : Replays the last finished game.
Load : Load a saved game. This game is choosen
using a special game selector !
Good Bye : Quits Paragon.
The gamerules: You always have to try to built a given crown on the
============== playboard, but simultaneous your opponent hinder on his
crown who will built it, too !
If there are one crown or more complete, you get for every
stone in a crown 25 points !
A game is finished: a) no one can built a given crown !
b) there is no time for one player !
c) there are no stones for one player !
Keymenu during a game:
H - the computer takes the next move !
P - game paused !
S - finished the current game. You can now save
the result on disk !
ESC - finished the current game !
Others: "CROWN" - a pattern built by 5 stones !
If you like this game, please send me what you want (not living things) !!!!
Volker Stepprath
bye bye...